Jessica Immobile responds to Ciro on social media: “You don’t know…”

The back and forth on Jessica’s Instagram profile

Jessica Immobile shared a series of shots portraying her in an evening outfit. The shots were liked by fans and admirers. “When it’s 8:30pm and you’re still not in your pajamas,” Jessica wrote jokingly. Simone Inzaghi’s wife, Gaia Lucariello, complimented her on her amazing physique: “When you have 4 children but you didn’t give birth to them”.

Q&A with Ciro

The husband wanted to comment on the photos not without a hint of controversy. “You made me take 100 photos and you didn’t even put one,” the Lazio footballer wrote to her. Jessica justified herself like this: “You don’t know how to do them!”. Ciro as a photographer? Rejected.

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