Jesica Delgado: The comfort zone is a mirage that steals our dreams – BRAND

The comfort zone describes a state in which a person is comfortable, in a predictable phase and does not experience any degree of stress or risks. Very tempting for the reader, right? The truth is that just as it prevents us from stress, it also prevents us from displaying potential, since to generate positive changes and move towards our achievements, we need to experience a certain degree of fear and uncertainty, to the point that this is necessary that if you have not If you have experienced at least a minimal degree of stress and restlessness recently, I invite you to check if you have really been growing or are still in your comfort zone.

There is a phenomenon that has attracted a large number of followers in recent times and that maintains that flowing with events is the best option. While this is respectable for supporters of this lifestyle, it is necessary to also consider the possibility of influence and not just flow in the face of circumstances. That is, going from mere spectators to protagonists of our lives. We need to get involved in the achievement of our projects. It is not enough to intend them and release them to the universe. Of course this implies leaving the comfortable zone, experiencing stress and certain anxieties, but they are nothing more than a reflection that we are moving forward. Just as a shoe squeezes us as our foot grows, our own development and evolution also generates a certain degree of discomfort and annoyance.

Growth, advancement, and achievement require that you regularly surround yourself with new experiences and challenges.

Outside the comfort zone, the known, the stable, the apparent and momentarily safe, there are the changes, the conquests and the deployment of our true resources and potentialities. Of course, to do this we must experience certain levels of fear and uncertainty, but what awaits us is worth the effort.

Every day in my office I am honored to accompany people to leave their comfort zone into the zone of change and development. With great pride I must admit that those who arrived crossed by fear and restlessness are not the same ones who today have become the protagonists of the life they always dreamed of.

My invitation is to disinhabit what is momentarily comfortable, to let go of instant and short-term pleasures and commit to the true change that comes with achieving the best achievements and the most desired projects. Leaving this zone allows us to expand and develop bigger and better skills. Let’s evolve towards our best version.

Contact information:

Instagram: @jesicadelgado.consultoría

Cell: 11-3248-4883

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