Jeroen’s piano music has been played millions of times on Spotify

Piano teacher Jeroen Granneman from Berkel-Enschot can hardly believe it himself. His first songs appeared on Spotify at the end of last year. Two songs were included in a playlist with piano music and then it can go quickly. The counter now stands at more than twelve million streams. “Apparently people like my music. Maybe because it’s so quiet and we live in such a hectic time.”

Written by

Peter Soethout

Jeroen finds it difficult to comprehend his success. He tells how it all started. “It has always been a dream to release my own music. Last year I made some things and then put them on social media.”

Jeroen received reactions to his videos and one thing led to another. “Someone asked if my music was already on Spotify and it wasn’t then. He was with a record label and together we made sure my music was officially released.”

“My music was suddenly in the biggest piano playlist in the world.”

Jeroen checked every day how often his music was played. Not much at first, until he got a call. “Someone from my record label asked if I was sitting, because he had special news. My music was suddenly in the largest piano playlist in the world. More than seven million people follow it.”

Then it suddenly went very fast. “Suddenly I was getting more than 50,000 streams every day, even from Canada, America and Australia. In total, my music has now been listened to more than twelve million times.” His best listened songs are ‘White Butterfly’ with 6.5 million streams and ‘Florence’ with 5 million streams.

With so many streams, it is also starting to yield quite a bit financially. 12 million streams are good for several tens of thousands of euros.

“I’m going to start my own concerts.”

It’s all quite overwhelming for Jeroen. A year ago he hadn’t released his own music and now he has songs with millions of streams. Still, he is already looking a bit to the future.

“I’m going to start with my own concerts. Just me and my piano, telling how a song came about and why it has a certain name. In September there will also be an album with the songs that have been released so far and also a few new ones.

Because of all his success, there is now more time to compose his own music. But he also enjoys his work as a piano teacher. “I love it and will never stop doing it completely,” he says.

‘White Butterfly’ by Jeroen Granneman:

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