Jeroen Pauw points out Gordon’s long toes, VI fans are angry about his arrival

Jeroen Pauw believes that Gordon deals poorly with the criticism from the men of Today Inside. Yet he suddenly seems to be in the show tonight. “Then I’ll skip!”, say angry viewers.


It’s unbelievable how much Gordon has been poured over the viewer in the past week; Last night he was on the talk show again Sophie & Jeroen. There, presenter Jeroen Pauw asks him about the broadcast of Today Inside, in which he was laughed at for his false performance. “Does that bother you?”


Gordon then claims – no one believes it – not to have seen it. “I haven’t seen it, to be honest. I really didn’t see it, I swear on everything I hold dear.”

Sidekick Olcay Gulsen: “You heard it yourself, right? Because you were singing.”

Gordon: “Yes, I was very emotional. That song was for Patrick (his best friend, ed.). That was a snapshot. Those emotions then affect your voice. Yes…”

‘It hurts me’

Once again it is Gordon who himself starts talking about VI. Why? “Well, you know… Yeah. It bothers me to that extent… Things like that just hurt. You actually come up with something really nice. You’re coming out with a new record, guys, after eight years. I make a very nice – in my opinion – new CD and then you are laughed at nationally for it. Then I think: Jesus.”

Jeroen believes that Goor has no resilience. “I understand that it is painful, but I have to tell you: I really enjoy watching the boys from VI and it also made me laugh. (…) Then I think: you are a man who gives out easily, then you have to receive a little every now and then, right?”

Olcay critical

Gordon believes that he does have the ability to cope. “Yes, of course, that’s all fine, but you can’t say that I can’t take something, because if you know the crap I’ve had to deal with in recent years, then you really have to be able to take something.”

Olcay is surprised: “But Gordon, why does that bother you so much? You just know that those guys from VI are going to sit there. They make fun of everyone and everything. Why does it affect you? You say it hurts you and then I think: then you don’t have elephant skin after all.”


Gordon thinks Olcay talks too easily. “Look, what you say now is very easy, because if it happens to you…”

Olcay rightly said: “Honey, there is nothing that someone hasn’t said about me yet. (…) If I do something and I know it’s not okay, I dare to honestly say: ‘Hey, maybe I wasn’t in top shape, maybe I could have done that better or maybe I wasn’t ready for it. ‘ That’s called self-reflection, right?”

Gordon: “Yes, but you could also have chosen to be a camera crew if you were invited: hey, let’s broadcast a fragment of him singing well. Because I have rehearsal footage that is good.”

Guest in VI

Wilfred Genee reveals a little later Today Inside that Gordon will visit VI tonight with Olcay. “He’s probably going, as it seems now… He was sitting there with Olcay and he said to Olcay: ‘I’ll be there tomorrow too’, and it seems now that he’s going to sit at the bar. And then he starts singing too. Live.”

And viewers of VI are not happy about that. They really respond en masse very negative. “More attention to that sad horn? Brrrr!”, says Marga, for example. And someone else: “Thanks for the tip. Skip. 😂 Netflix it will be!”
