Jeroen Pauw ball coach? ‘He castrated Rutger Castricum!’

Does Jeroen Pauw have serious qualities as a presentation coach or is he really into it? According to TV connoisseur Victor Vlam, he has Rutger Castricum anyway failed. “He’s been neutered.”

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Rutger Castricum was confronted two weeks ago in Today Inside with the comments on his ‘irritating’ smile and the criticism that he would like to swallow Johan Derksen. He reacted rather timidly and in the after talk, the online series In De Wandelgangen, he imitated on request exactly what his ‘annoying’ laugh sounds like.

‘Bite off, Rutger!’

Victor Vlam, a kind of Angela de Jong on steroids, finds it unbelievable how the once tough Rutger lets himself be walked all over like this. “Bite off more, Rutger, because your problem is that you are constantly being rolled over by just about everyone there at the table. And that often makes it unbearable to watch.”

According to Victor, it is incredibly uncomfortable how accommodating Rutger is in that discussion. He continues in the podcast The Communicados: “Wilfred Genee is very good at sucking. In that online section, Wilfred questioned Rutger for almost six minutes about his irritating fake smile. It was about that for six minutes.”

Hammering on jaw

Victor would never have put up with that. “I was thinking to myself: if this happened to me, then I would have a bit of a tendency to verbally beat Wilfred Genee on his face. At some point it was enough. But Rutger let it all happen.”

He continues: “In fact, at one point Wilfred said, ‘Hey, that fake smile, can you show it?’ Well, if you have to display your fake smile there on command, then I think: this is a signal that you really have to bite the bullet, Rutger. And what does Rutger do? He struggled for a while and then he just did it. Yes, painful.”

Handbrake on

You won’t get there by bending and nodding Today Inside, Victor thinks. “You have to bite harder, you have to fight back. Today Inside is just a bit like the football canteen of the Netherlands. And yes, you will be tackled there, but you can also hand out there. That is also accepted there. In fact, they also see that as a sign of strength.”

What happened to Rutger? “He used to be very good at handing things out, so it is very bizarre that we have to give him this advice now. But since he was coached by Jeroen Pauw – he said that a few years ago in the AD – he seems to do everything with the handbrake on.”

Castrated Rutger

Jeroen has ruined Rutger, says Victor. “He seems to be some kind of castrated version of himself. I don’t think it did him that much good. He shouldn’t do everything with the handbrake on.”

Co-host Lars Duursma: “So this is actually a tip for everyone: don’t let Jeroen Pauw coach you.”

Victor: “No. haha.”
