Jeremie Vaneeckhout (Anzegem) and Matti Vandemaele…

In addition to the experienced Vaneeckhout, the West Flemish members opt for a relatively new face to draw the federal electoral list. That honor goes to Matti Vandemaele from Kortrijk.

Vandemaele has been involved in politics in Kortrijk for quite some time. He was party leader and party leader for many years. He was also director at the Peace Village youth center in Mesen and now works in Petra Desutter’s office as deputy chief of staff.

‘I have met many young people in my professional past. All full of dreams, but not all of them had the same opportunities. Groen is there for all those young people who are looking for an ally to remove those barriers.’

Vandemaele can count on the support of outgoing federal faction leader Wouter De Vriendt, who with his experience will push the federal list during the campaign.
