Jennifer Lopez: Her first husband is skeptical of Bennifers

M.entre the world goes crazy for the flashback of Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck corollated by the wedding in Las Vegas, her first husband reappears, Ojani Noa. That in an interview with the Daily Mail explains: “I don’t think they will last”.

Speak Ojani Noa, Jennifer Lopez’s first husband

While the whole world is cheering for the modern tale of the Bennifers, the first doubts and perplexities about the future of this story made of passion and eternal return arise. Her voice comes from none other than her first husband, Ojani Noamarried in 1997.

Ojani Noa and JLo at the time of their wedding. (photo Getty Images)

Their love story explodes at Gloria Estefan’s restaurant on Ocean Drive in Miami, where he works as a waiter. “When she entered Lario’s I had no idea who she was” he tells “Our eyes met and I thought she was the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. There was a crazy energy between us, the first kiss was as if we had known each other forever “.

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Divorce after one year

At the time JLo she is already famous as a singer and dancer but she is at the beginning of her acting career, and she becomes a world super star at that time. Thanks to her role in the film “Selena” The important proposals began to rain and in 1998, after only one year, the divorce took place. In 2004 they signed a privacy agreement, followed by lawsuits for a video and a book that he wanted to publish. Now, after a long time, he comes back to talk about her.

Skeptical of Bennifers

Fitness master, model and occasional actor, the 48-year-old of Cuban descent explains in an interview with Daily Mail what do you think of Bennifer. “I wish you and Ben the best, but I’m not convinced it will last”.

“Jen loves being in love, but she’s been engaged six times. Ben is husband number four, I was number one and she told me I was her love of her life. I think he will marry at least seven or eight times, he is a person who is always projected forward in his professional and private life ».

And then he adds: “For many years after our story, I felt burned, hurt. I think if she hadn’t been around all those people we would probably still be together. But now I have my life and I’m fine, and I hope Jen has finally found the love she was looking for “.

