Jennifer Lopez changed her last name

Jennifer Lopez is now Jennifer Affleck.

Ben and Jennifer Affleck are one of the most followed couples in Hollywood. PDO

Singer-actress Jennifer Lopez, 52, and actor husband Ben Affleck got married in secret over the weekend. The wedding took place in Las Vegas. The matter came to light when the US media got hold of the couple’s marriage certificate.

Jennifer made the announcement on her website, On The JLo, in a paid newsletter. The star’s fans got their eyes rubbed, because Jennifer unexpectedly signed the release with a different last name.

– With love, Mrs. Jennifer Lynn Affleck, he concluded his announcement.

Jennifer’s fans got excited about the star’s new name and rushed to Twitter to discuss the matter.

– She changed her official name to Jennifer Affleck. This is true love.

– Ben and Jennifer Affleck. Don’t talk to me. I’ve been waiting for this for 20 years. It happened.

Jennifer and Ben got engaged in April this year. Ben proposed to Jennifer with a ring worth about 10 million dollars, i.e. 9.9 million euros, with a large green diamond.

Jennifer and Ben first started dating in 2002 and got engaged a year later. To everyone’s surprise, the couple divorced in 2004 just before the wedding.

Jennifer has two children from her relationship with Marc Anthony. Ben, on the other hand, has three children from his relationship with Jennifer Garner.

Source: Harper’s Bazaar

Jennifer Lopez photographed in February 2020.
