Jennifer Aniston: the beauty routine for a glow look after 50

THEna new interview, Jennifer Aniston reveals new details of her daily beauty routine to have a radiant face even after 50. A series of gestures, she assures, are really easy and within everyone’s reach.

The new details on Jennifer Aniston’s beauty routine

The secret to having one gorgeous skin? It is not just the breakfast based on coffee and collagen (of the line of which it is testimonial Vital Proteins). The undisputed queen of perennial beauties americane is a radiant “over” thanks also to the little ones daily ritualsrevealed in a recent interview with the magazine InStyle.

A close-up of the actress. (Getty photo)

The star of “Friends” And “The Morning Show” he follows a strict diet and trains intensely every day in his California mansion. But now we know that her proverbial glow look is obtained – also – thanks to a step that is fundamental for her.

Jennifer Aniston, no more high-protein diet: that's why she goes back to carbohydrates

Jennifer Aniston, no more high-protein diet: that's why she goes back to carbohydrates

A dose of mindfulness every day

Her beauty secret also lies in her relaxed charm and her gaze, always alive and bright, that’s how she explains it. “I’m a very habitual person” explains in the interview “Every morning I meditate and write pages of gratitude”. Sometimes, however, due to work there is no time and the star tells how vital it is for her to recover mindfulness as soon as possible.

“I recently went away from home for a couple of months to shoot a movie,” she explains to InStyle «In the morning when I got up my body didn’t ask me to go to train, but to do meditation. The role of the film was very physical and for a while I gave up on fitness, rebalancing with mindful practice is essential “.

The anti-stress evening routine

But beauty doesn’t just depend on the morning routine. In another recent interview with the magazine Selfwe discover in fact that the star of “Friends” she has an essential evening gesture that allows her to rest and recover from her hectic agenda.

Apart from the meditation (even just 5 minutes) and the gratitude lists (daily or weekly), it is important to her completely disconnect the plug: “When I get home from work I turn off the phone and immediately go out for a walk with my dogs” explains “And then I always try to be in bed by 11pm at the latest”.

