Jennifer Aniston opens up about her infertility

The actress revealed in an interview with a US magazine that she tried to get pregnant years ago.

Jennifer Aniston talked about her difficult times in an interview with an American magazine. Photo by Jimmy Kimmel Live! – program descriptions from 2021. Zuma Press / MVPhotos.

World famous actor Jennifer Aniston53, opens the US Allure-women’s magazine in the interview about the painful parts of his life.

Aniston, who has been under the magnifying glass of the entire entertainment world for decades, revealed that she tried to get pregnant years ago but was unsuccessful.

– I tried to get pregnant. It was a challenging path for me, Aniston says about the time years ago.

According to Aniston, no one in the public knew that she had tried for a child.

– All those years full of various speculations… It was really difficult. I went for fertility treatment and drank Chinese tea. I gave it my all, Aniston says in an interview.

– I would have given anything if someone had told me: “Freeze your eggs.” Do yourself a favor.” But didn’t think of it that way, so now I’m here. The ship has left, he continues.

However, Aniston says in the interview that she has no regrets. On the contrary, he describes himself as even relieved, because he no longer has to worry.

“I have nothing to hide”

Back in the day, the Frendit star’s childlessness was rarely discussed in headlines that Aniston would not have children, or in which there was speculation about her willingness to add to the family.

Aniston says that her personal bad feeling only increased when the magazines created an image of her as a selfish childless woman.

– I just cared about my career. And God forbid if a woman succeeds and doesn’t have a child…

The actress also refutes claims that her marriage ended because she was unable to give her husband a child.

– They were just lies. I have nothing to hide at this point, says Aniston.
