Jennifer Aniston is Ellen’s last guest, closing the show

S.ta to end an era. Thursday May 26th The Ellen DeGeneres show will close forever after 19 years of honorable service. For the occasion, the leave will take place in the company of a face very close to the program: Jennifer Aniston. The actress will be guest of the last episode and his presence in the studio symbolizes the true closing of a circle.

Jennifer Aniston: the queen of minimal chic style

Jennifer Aniston guest of the first episode in 2003

It was September 8, 2003 when on American TV Ellen DeGeneres debuted with his show. The host of the first episode was Jennifer Aniston. Gà on that occasion, the feeling between the hostess and the actress of Friends it was palpable. Jokes, games, jokes: a goliardic moment that told a lot about the relationship between the two.

Aniston and DeGeneres have in fact been friends for over thirty years, and have never hidden the great affection that binds them. Over the years, the actress has returned to the show several times, and not just as a guest. On 24 January 2020 she made her debut as a presenter solo, on that occasion she was greeted in the studio by a real roar. “I love Ellen very much, I would do anything for her»He began at the beginning of the episode.

Jennifer Aniston host Ellen show DeGeneres.  (Twitter)

Jennifer Aniston in some hosted at “The Ellen DeGeneres Show”. (Twitter)

Immediately after the first hosted in 2003 wrote in the guest book: “I had a lot of fun being your first guest. I will be watching you for the next 20 years“. A thank you that, on rereading it now, almost tastes like one prophecy. The years were 19 and Jen was a recurring guest star, almost a fixture.

The guests of the latest episode of Ellen

Aniston will not be the only guest of the last episode. There will be also Pinkauthor of the program’s theme song, and is also expected Billie Eilish. They will then participate in the farewell Zac Efron, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Mila Kunis, Bruno Mars, Kate McKinnon, Justin Timberlake, Keith Urban, Kerry Washington And Oprah Winfrey. Speaking of the latter, Oprah and Ellen are longtime friends, as well as two reference faces for the American public.

The closing of the show really marks the end of an era. In almost twenty years of airing, the program has conquered the American public, and beyond. It has become a cult, a point of reference, a way of making TV that has made school. Success has turned into accolades with ben 171 Daytime Emmy Awards nominations, for a total of 61 wins.

DeGeneres herself announced the end of the show a year ago. The presenter had been arriving for complicated months, in which she had been accused of making the workplace toxic. Despite the controversy, he has always stated that the closure has nothing to do with the accusations made against him.

Ellen DeGeneres: “I close a chapter of my life”

“I wasn’t prepared for this,” explained Savannah Guthrie of Today. “I was devastated. I am a kind person, I love to make people happy. It hurt me a lot to read those allegations, but I thought that, if I had gone away, I would have given the winner to the one who orchestrated it all. This is a happy work environment ».

“When we started in 2003,” he says, “the iPhone didn’t exist. Social media did not exist. Gay marriage was not legal. We have seen the world change some times for the better, some times for the worse. My goal has always been to make the show a place to laugh and have fun for an hour. Being invited into your lives has been the greatest privilege and gave me incredible joy. Thanks thanks thanks”.

As for the future, he has very clear ideas. “I don’t want to retire, I’ll do something else, but if that doesn’t happen, (The Ellen DeGeneres Show, nda) it’s the thing I’m most proud of. I struggled to have this show when nobody believed it and it went on for 19 years. I don’t know what the last episode will try ».

Furthermore, she tells an anecdote about the beginning of the path that transformed her into one of the most popular conductors. “After I came out, no one wanted to hire me. An astrologer predicted that I would start a new career at 45, but I didn’t believe it. “What woman starts Hollywood again at 45 with a 20-year job?” I asked myself. In the end the program lasted 19 and that’s a good number: 1 indicates the beginning, 9 the end. I started and finished a chapter of my life

