Jenni Poikelus reveals what prevents her from talking about her relationship

Radio star Jenni Poikelus does not speak publicly about her relationship. He reveals in the Aki Linnanahde Talkshow podcast that one of the reasons for that is his employer’s policy.

Jenni Poikelus explains in the podcast why she does not talk publicly about her relationship issues. Pete Anikari

Radio host and media personality Jenni Poikelus has always been silent in public about his relationship matters. He explains why on the Aki Linnanahde Talk Show.

Aki Linnanahde asks if it is about the orientation of the YleX channel of Poikelus’ employer. Linnanahde points out that already Mikko “Peltsi” Peltola and Juuso Myllyrinten when it was broadcast on the channel at the turn of the 21st century, personal relationships were a topic on the radio broadcast, as if on the “forbidden list”.

– That YleX feature is interesting, I’ve noticed the same. I knew it and made it known. It has even been said out loud sometimes, when I have started 2012, that “talking about such partners is a bit much…”, Poikelus describes.

Poikelus wonders if the policy is related to the fact that YleX is a youth channel and single presenters are more approachable to young people.

– I do talk a lot about relationship issues like that – I can tell stories, but they have happened once, that “I had such a romantic relationship once”. Then you can tell them, Poikelus reveals.

He admits that “ones and one’s” have adventures in the stories told on the radio.

“The flap has come”

Poikelus says that bringing up relationships has not been his thing even before his public career. He takes Facebook as an example, where, especially in the past, many people shared their relationship status and tagged their partners. If there was a breakup, it was equally visible in the feed of Facebook friends.

– I never did, even though I was dating. I never put it on, even though I was in a relationship. It has always been a bit of a private matter for me, even before public work. I didn’t want to make it into such a number, says Poikelus.

He describes that it is nice to keep the matter to himself.

Linnanahde says that she has noticed that a huge number of people are interested in Poikelus’ relationship.

– Isn’t this really fun? It has become a flap. Black feels… Can I ever say, Poikelus laughs.

Jenni Poikelus has previously been connected in a romantic sense, among other things Juuso “Köpi” Kallio, which is also familiar from the YleX channel. Kallio has also starred in the latest Putous episode.

Radio colleagues have not confirmed the rumors as true.

Jenni Poikelus wrote in Iltalehti’s friend book.

Source: Aki Linnanahde Talk Show, Podimo
