Jeff Bezos will donate his estate to charity

beneficence. Is this the future of Jeff Bezos. Interviewed by CNN, the founder of Amazon stated that he will donate much of his immense wealth, a fortune of 124 billion dollars, to charity. Specifically, there are two issues that are close to the tycoon’s heart: fight against climate changes and support for people who can unite humanity against deep social and political divisions.

Jeff Bezos and charity

Bezos did not specify how he intends to accomplish this goal. Interviewed with his partner, journalist and philanthropist Lauren Sanchez, he limited himself to saying that the couple is “evaluating how to donate the money”. But to the question of the journalist of the cnn she asked him if he really intended to give away most of his fortune, he answered without hesitation: “Yes, I will.”

Explaining: «The difficult part is figuring out how to do it. It’s not easy. Building Amazon wasn’t easy. It took hard work, a very smart group of teammates, hard working colleagues, and I’m finding that charity and philanthropy are very similar. So you have to think about it carefully and you have to have brilliant people in the team».

Among the most generous entrepreneurs

In reality, the choice to donate a large part of his wealth is not surprising. Always Bezos, among the richest people in the world, also stood out as a very generous entrepreneur. In 2020 he flew to the top of the Chronicle of Philanthropy ranking for donating $10 billion to charities and charities.

And attention to the environment has always been a priority for him. He has busy $10 billion over 10 years for the Bezos Earth Fund, a fund intended specifically for the preservation and protection of the planet against the climate crisis. Even his ex-wife MacKenzie Scott noted for her philanthropic approach to wealth: he recently donated nearly $4 billion to 465 charities.

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Dolly Parton and Bezos’ 100 million

The interview with the king of ecommerce, the first released together with his partner Lauren Sanchez, was carried out on the occasion of the Bezos Courage and Civilization Award, awarded this year to Dolly Parton. The artist received from the patron of Amazon a check for 100 million to be donated to a charity cause that is particularly close to her heart. It is the third prize of its kind awarded by Bezos: the other two went to chef Jose Andre’s, who used the money to donate meals to Ukrainians, and to Van Jones, a CNN contributor who has often drawn attention to the climate.

“We are proud to have as winner a woman who puts her heart into every aspect of her work. We can’t wait to see what you will do with these 100 million» said Lauren Sanchez after the awarding of the prize to Dolly Parton. «I will do my best to do good with this money» wrote the artist on Twitter.

