Jaw smashed in half after dancing in a fountain: ‘He was after me’

A 19-year-old man from Den Bosch will not soon forget a night out in his city. After a dance in the Dragon Fountain, he is mistreated out of nowhere. The victim is knocked out. The impact fractures his jaw and requires urgent surgery.

A 19-year-old boy thought it was ‘a good idea’ to dance in the Drakenfontein in front of Den Bosch Central Station on the night of April 16 to 17. He has the greatest fun with his friends, but that also attracts the attention of passers-by.

“I thought, we have to get out of here otherwise there will be a fight.”

Two of those passers-by walk up to the group a little later and speak to them. “We did not know them, but got to talking and had no quarrel or discussion,” says the victim in the TV program Opsporing Verzocht. But as the 19-year-old boy steps out of the fountain, one of the two bystanders aggressively approaches him and asks what he is doing. “I thought, we have to get out of here, otherwise there will be a fight.”

The moment the boy wants to run away to avoid a fight, he feels a shooting pain in his right jaw. One of the two men hit him so hard that he briefly passed out. “When I came to it hurt a lot. My jaw was split in half, so that explained the pain.”

“I couldn’t talk for three weeks and couldn’t eat for eight weeks.”

The victim tries to get away through the station, but the aggressive man keeps chasing him. “He was still after me and I don’t know why. I’ve never seen anyone so aggressive.” With the help of bystanders, the group of friends finally manage to break free from the perpetrator and take the taxi.

The victim is operated on immediately the next morning. He gets in a pin in his jaw to hold everything together. “I couldn’t talk for three weeks and couldn’t eat for eight weeks.” As a result, the boy loses twelve kilos. And he has to reschedule his school year to make up for everything he’s missed. “All in all it has quite an impact on my life,” says the victim.

The suspect is between the ages of 20 and 22, according to police. He has dark skin and had noticeably shaved hair during the assault. He had black hair on top. The assailant was wearing beige pants, white shoes and a black jacket.

“I’m afraid he’s capable of worse.”

The police would also like to get in touch with the bystanders who stopped the perpetrator and the man who walked with the perpetrator. They are all witnesses and can help with the case. The victim hopes that the perpetrator will be caught as soon as possible. “I’m afraid he’s capable of worse and I’ve been lucky.”

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