Javier Moll vindicates local journalism

07/27/2022 at 12:07


The president of the Iberian Press Group inaugurates the exhibition “Guardians of Memory” and highlights the extensive history of LA OPINÓN EL CORREO DE ZAMORA

“The commemoration of this 125th anniversary of LA OPINÓN-EL CORREO DE ZAMORA coincides with the expansion of our museum of journalism, which opened its doors five years ago and is now renamed as Guardians of Memory Museum. It is a unique sample in Spain & rdquor ;. Xavier Moll, the president of Iberian Press Group to which this newspaper belongs, was in charge of inaugurating the new museum located in the newspaper’s facilities, which can be visited every day from 7:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. (entrance from Calle Mercy or Sister Ignacia Idoate) and from August 1, at the same time, but Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

Opening speech by Javier Moll. | Jose Luis Fernandez

The first words of the president’s speech were a “message of solidarity and encouragement to the victims & rdquor; for “two of the fires largest in the history of Spain & rdquor ;, of the Sierra de la Culebra Y Losaciowith 60,000 hectares, which have ended the life of a brigadista and a Shepherdinjured several more people and caused ranchers, farmers and people from other sectors, such as the sightseeing rural, have “lost their way of life”.

Moll thanked the work of professionals and neighbors who have fought against the fire and to the journalists and photographers of LA OPINÓN-EL CORREO, who have not spared efforts to keep society informed.

with Zamora

the president of Iberian Press believes that “now more than ever our newspaper, engaged always with the future of this earth, must take the initiativeflag the interest of Zamorans, help overcome obstacles and contribute to generating a climate favorable to Recovery after the fires & rdquor ;.

A good newspaper “is one that watches over the TRUE and defends its citizens, while enjoying its joys and suffer with their misfortunes & rdquor ;. This is how LA OPINÓN-EL CORREO DE ZAMORA understands its work, a Headboard with roots that this land feels and that is very identified with the personality of their peoples. It is a diary that has accompanied generations of Zamoranos from three different centuries”.

125th anniversary

The speaker highlighted the origins of the head that celebrates 125 years, in 1987 “That was just the year that the light came electrical to the streets of the city of Zamora”, “a great metaphor, since El Correo de Zamora, the newspaper matrixwas born to glow up the path of the Zamoranos during all these years & rdquor ;.

Witness of the history of Zamora, LA OPINÓN-EL CORREO DE ZAMORA, is the result of a vision, in the 90’s “which guaranteed the Zamorans the continuity of their historic header & rdquor ;. In 1990 The first issue of LA OPINION DE ZAMORA, by Prensa Ibérica, comes out with the latest advances technological and a “newsroom of young journalists that gave a new air to journalism in the province & rdquor ;. ANDin 1993 Prensa Ibérica acquires El Correo and sheath the current header, LA OPINÓN-EL CORREO DE ZAMORA.

Museum of Journalism

The Guardians of Memory Museum presents from the “last linotype that worked in a newspaper in our country & rdquor; to the entire transformation process digital. “The Museum offers a tour of the evolution history of Zamora, through a careful selection of covers and photographs. the newspaper library of THE OPINION-EL CORREO DE ZAMORA is the HDD that stores and preserves for posterity the chronicle & rdquor; of the main events. Also there are sections monographic on pandemic wave depopulation of the Spain emptied.

Leader in the province and umbilical cord with the diaspora

A newspaper of XXI century, leader in the province and link with the Zamora of the diaspora. They were some of Javier Moll’s ideas in his speech. “The newspaper, born in the XIX century, It is today an informative reference. Is he leading daily in Zamora, both on paper and in digital and is one of the most influential of all Castile and Leon. Last year it added almost eleven millions of unique users, and more than 62 million pages views on the Internet”.

THE OPINION-THE ZAMORA POST OFFICE is the Newspaper of all the zamoranosof those who live in the territory and of the thousands and thousands who have had to leave. This is a land of emigration and, thanks to the Internet, our readers follow the present Zamora from anywhere in Spain and the world. We unite Zamoranos with their province of origin. We are, as we like to say, the umbilical cord of this particular diaspora”.

“THE OPINION-EL CORREO DE ZAMORA claimsnow more than ever, as the house where all the voices and in which, from the diversity of thought, debate is promoted of ideas. The 125th anniversary event serves to reaffirm our commitment with a hyperlocal journalism de quality capable of reaching every town and every home in Zamora”.
