Javier Milei and his plagiarism: the NEWS investigation that went around the world

“I can’t quote you, Javier, because you have three complaints of plagiarism.” With those ten words, Sergio Massa put on the table an issue that had been silenced. They were the thefts that Milei did in her book, “Pandenomics”, something that NEWS discovered in May of last year but, incredibly, they had never asked her about. That topic was the most searched on Google during the night of the presidential debate, and it quickly achieved international impact. The libertarian was exposed to the world as the master of copy paste that he is.

“Milei plagiarism”, “Milei plagiarism book”, “Milei books”, “Milei plagiarism complaints”, “Milei plagiarism” were the five most searched topics on Google that night. Massa echoed the investigation of journalist Tomás Rodríguez in NOTICIAS. There he discovered that “Pandenomics”, at that time Milei’s last work, contained at least six plagiarisms, verbatim copies of other works, among which were from Mexican and Spanish physicists to the current number two of the IMF, the Indian economist Gita Gopinath.

The really curious thing is that, in the year and a half since the revelation of this medium, none of the journalists who interviewed Milei have asked him. Viviana Canosa, in fact, presented that book together with the libertarian at the 2022 Book Fair, and at that time she denounced that the NOTICIAS investigation was “an operation.” But after the debate she said she felt “disappointed” by the “authoritarian” Milei, who made her “present a book that was plagiarized.”

In Spain there were also repercussions. There, several media outlets interviewed Antonio Guirao Piñera, one of those kidnapped by Milei. “Nine pages of Milei’s book carried literal extracts from me. “I was perplexed,” he told the media outlet “El Confidencial,” referring to Rodríguez’s investigation. NEWS also later discovered plagiarism by Milei in his autobiography “The Way of the Libertarian” and in a prologue he wrote for a new version of “4000 years of price and wage controls.”

There is another thing that never ceases to surprise. Until now Milei did not utter a single word of defense for the systematic theft of her. How long will he stay silent?

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