Jason Momoa denies flirting with Kate Beckinsale

F.give back the enthusiasm. Jason Momoa42, categorically denied flirting with Kate Beckinsale48, which was awarded to him after the night of the Oscars.

Sothe good news is that still freethe bad thing is that, after the end, last January, of the almost twenty-year relationship with Lisa Bonetperhaps he’s not ready for a new romance yet.

The (denied) flirtation between Jason Momoa and Kate Beckinsale

Yet, the photos published last March 27, when the Hollywood Gotha moved happily between dances and glasses of champagne after the Academy Awards ceremonythey seemed to speak out.

The actor, when he realized that his colleague – in a sensual black tulle dress I see-no-see – was cold, he took off his smoking jacket – has always been a true gentleman – and he donated it to the actress. Indeed, she owns it placed gently on the shouldersbefore chatting with her – eyes to eyes and smiling at each other – for several minutes. (under)

The two, immortalized during those moments, really seemed very close to each otheras reported by several sources, including Etonline.

“Were standing chatting in front of the bar», A source told the magazine specializing in news concerning the world of Hollywood. “They both had a beautiful smile printed on the face and they seemed very involved in the conversation. ‘

“I won’t give my coat to anyone anymore!”

Jason, however, immediately curbed the enthusiasm. “This thing is crazy. There is no flirtation involved, absolutely », he declared peremptorily to the magazine Extra.

“You are a very kind person, I too have been very kind, I have only behaved like gentleman“. And he then delved into the nature of that chat between friends. Kate Beckinsale is English and therefore «we were just staying having a conversation about his countrybecause I just went to England to shoot Aquaman 2“. Nothing more.

Then, given the obsessive attention towards him, especially as regards his sentimental conquests, he closed with a joke: “Ok, I understand: now, I will no longer lend my coat to anyone!“.

