Jasmine Trinca: the birth chart of a self-confident Taurus woman

T.Scorpio ascendant gold means living between light and shadow. Between the material sense of life and the restless and fluid sense of the Water sign. Jasmine Trinca has managed to govern this tiring dichotomy.

It is part of the Super heroeslike the title of Paolo Genovese’s film, capable of bringing out the tenacity to reformulate love and self-esteem.

Just a Taurus with Venus in the sign and a solid and severe Moon in Capricorn slowly manages to disengage from the need for consensus.

Unbuttoning, one by one, the pressures that take your breath away like a jacket that is too tight. To finally be able to relax after more than 40 films, awards and silver ribbons.

Jasmine Trinca was born in Rome on April 24, 1981 (photo by Maria Moratti / Getty Images).

Everything is clear. Even the initial bewilderment that tends to smear on you that discomfort that whispers in your ear “I can really afford all this”?

It was useful to enter Moretti’s film at the age of 18 Son’s room with that serious and frightened child’s face to go out with people’s eyes on her. It helped to love, to separate, to shine with one’s own light. And, film after film, becoming a mother.

Mars in Aries knows the score of this evolution. Then, without asking anyone anything, he raised the flag of self-esteem. And the reliability of the Taurus and the restlessness of the Scorpio have merged into a young woman aware of her extraordinary talent. Greetings Jasmine!

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