Jas van vermiste Nederlandse young Yoran (16) lived: 1,500 people helpen zoeken | Buitenland

Zeker 1,500 people helpen in Sleeuwijk in the Netherlands Brabant mee met zoeken naar de missing person Yoran Krol. The 16-year-old boy didn’t go to sea on December 24th. Bij het zoeken wordt also gebruikgemaakt van drones, reports the father of Yoran on Facebook. Well, a tip will be found in the Merwede rivier near Papendrecht from Jas van Yoran.

In one of the two bedroom plazas in Sleeuwijk, there is a large area of ​​activity on the young plazas. Vrijwilligers staan ​​rond het middaguur nog altijd in de rij om zich aan te melde voor het zoeken. The pain of suffering is a hesje and a prikstok. Well, we’ve got a little area to go to. The area is open in 72 places. The ANP photographer reports that there are also soap and other warm drinks.

The meeting began at 10 a.m. in Sleeuwijk and was registered in a 30-kilometer road. Via the Nederlandse Coördinatie Platform Missing (CPV) you can get some help from the wild. The policy is coordinated and also mee. It is monitored around the vijfhonderd mensen aanwezig zouden zijn bij de zoektocht, maar dat zijn he became very sea. He was originally bred towards the Boven-Merwede rivier.

In the Merwede near Papendrecht, one of the missing young people was found. Volgens de politie beurde that vrijdagmiddag is a tip. Yoran will be sent to the younger generation center in the Naburige Almkerk. The bicycles will later be taken to the Merwedebrug, about 10 kilometers away. Hoop the word is still there, it’s never seaside. “We will do it again, we will do it, too. We’re all here and there,” sounds like we’re more willing.






