Jarmo Kekäläinen comments on Patrik Laine’s rumors: “Unethical”

Jarmo Kekäläinen is not satisfied with the rumor mill revolving around Patrik Laine.

Jarmo Kekäläinen gave spiky feedback to journalists. AOP

– Yes, I’m bothered by people talking shit, Jarmo Kekäläinen bridle The Athleticin in an interview.

The Columbus boss refers Patrik Laine rumors circulating around.

– I understand that sometimes discussions with other clubs leak out and names may pop out, but that is not the point. It’s just that someone is coming up with shit and speculating for ourselves what we could do. Headlines are invented in the hope of clicks. I think it is unethical, Kekäläinen continued.

Feedback to suppliers has been given – and received.

3 options

Laine is currently one of the hottest players in the NHL, and the man’s contract expires this summer. It is therefore quite natural that the name of a Tampere resident revolves around relocation speculation.

However, Laine is only a limited free agent after this season, so all the keys are still at Kekäläinen’s fingertips. In practice, he has three options:

1) Offer Laine a one-year extension deal worth at least $ 7.5 million

2) Offer Laine a 2-3 year bridge contract or a long giant deal

3) Sell Laine

The best price for a flaming Laine would be given right now, as he is only a limited free agent, meaning the club has rights to him for next season. The NHL transfer deadline is March 21, and Columbus is not expected to make the playoffs.

According to Kekäläinen, however, he is in no hurry to make solutions with Laine.

– When the time is right, we sit down, look at all the options together and wonder if we can find a solution that suits the needs of both parties.

– Let’s see if we end up in some kind of marriage. If we don’t, it’s hockey.

The story continues after the picture.

Patrik Laine has been in the headlines a lot lately. AOP

The fight continues!

Columbus is eight points away from Washington and the final playoffs, with 28 games left for the Blue Jackets and 27 for the Caps.

The situation seems rather desperate, but according to Kekäläinen, the team does not intend to surrender. It does not suit the Finnish character.

– We want to have a winning culture, even if it doesn’t always mean a great profit record or success at the end of the season, Kekäläinen says.

At the same time, however, the puck boss admits this is not the time for Columbus to strengthen its team on the transfer line at the expense of the future.

– The game moves we can make and do before the transfer limit are ones that will be useful in the future as well, not just for the rest of the season.

One could imagine that Kekäläinen will try to trade before the transfer limit at least Max Domin and Joonas Korpisalonfor they are free agents after this season.
