Japan uses robot wolf to deter bears | Abroad

A robot wolf has recently been used in various regions in Japan to chase away bears. In recent years, more and more people have been attacked by bears.

The wolf was originally designed to scare away wild animals near farms. But Japanese authorities are now using the mechanical wolf as a deterrent to bears so they don’t attack humans.

In the fall of 2020, the robot wolf was deployed for the first time in Takikawa. Since then, the wolf has been deployed by several local authorities as the number of people attacked by bears increased alarmingly.

According to Shinsuke Koike, a bear expert at the University of Tokyo, this alarming increase is the result of emptying farming villages. Young people are increasingly moving to larger cities. As a result, more and more agricultural lands that used to serve as buffer zones are disappearing. As a result, the bears have started living in unkempt forests closer to cities.

The increase in attacks can also be explained by the fact that fewer and fewer acorns, the largest food source for bears, can be harvested due to climate change. Bears are therefore forced to look for other food.

In the past 60 years, there have been more than 150 bear attacks in Hokkaido, northern Japan. In 2021, as many as four people died after being attacked by a bear.


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