Jannes van der Sleedenhuis Wolfsbos in Hoogeveen celebrates the commissioning of vegetable garden boxes

The vegetable garden boxes were put into use last weekend. Photo: NNCZ

Every year the residents of the Wolfsbos district have the opportunity to submit an idea to De Smederijen for improving the living environment. Last year, the Jannes van der Sleedenhuis Wolfsbos submitted an idea for vegetable garden boxes that are suitable for the disabled. The initiative group decided to make a budget of 1000 euros available for this. The vegetable garden boxes were put into use last week.

The four vegetable garden boxes are on the terrace of the restaurant of the care home and are filled with herbs and cultivation plants, among other things. A group of residents will take care of the plants. The people of the initiative group, a number of residents and the men from the asylum seekers’ center from Hoogeveen were present at the festive opening for the commissioning of the bins. Together with the caretaker of the care home, they helped to assemble the vegetable garden boxes, put them in the right place and fill them with potting soil or garden soil.
