Janita Lukkarinen’s father commented on the gross falsification of the will

Janita Lukkarinen’s father says he is shocked by the falsification of his late daughter’s will.

The deceased Janita Lukkarinen A 39-year-old friend has been sentenced to a one-year suspended prison sentence for forging the will of a reality TV star. The court found the woman guilty of gross forgery.

A tough time

Lukkarinen’s father tells Iltalehte that the will dispute in the district court has been a difficult time for the family.

– This is not easy for us, Janita’s parents and siblings, to tear open wounds over and over again and go through these things from two years ago over and over again, Lukkarinen’s father states.

He says that he suffered from sleep problems due to the trial, among other things.

– After last week’s district court, I haven’t been able to sleep properly again and the health problems came back right away, because these things are constantly weighing on my mind again, just when the recovery process started to go well.

The father is grateful that the matter was finally settled through the courts.

– I thank the prosecutor and the district court of Itä-Uusimaa, as well as the persons who handled the investigation, for their appropriate and consistent actions and decision-making, he states.

Hoping for a new law

Lukkarinen’s father says that he hopes that the trial will result in a new law.

– I hope that this decision will bring about Lex Janita. In the future, all wills must be registered at the registry office, the father says of his wish.

– Violation of the duty of office and the duty of secrecy in ecclesiastical positions in parishes, and thus making decisions before the will arrives in writing, should be legislated as very burdensome in terms of their punishment scale, he continues.

The father’s wish is that the relatives of the deceased would not have to deal with will disputes in court in the future.

– The first point of Lex Janita would prevent the second point. In this way, each relative could be sure that the will is indeed based on the deceased’s will, if such a will was usually made

The judgment of the Itä-Uusimaa district court is not legally binding.

Janita Lukkarinen died on 27 November 2020. Mikko Räsänen
