Jan Uriot has no problem with a polluting party Bas Smit

Jan Uriot has no problem with the fact that Bas Smit and Nicolette van Dam have had such a polluting birthday party. “Obviously you already pollute the environment if you light a candle.”

© Instagram, Telegraaf

The ecological footprint of Bas Smit and Nicolette van Dam is already huge with their many trips abroad, but last month they went completely wild. They flew across the ocean for their billionaire friend Richard Branson’s five-day birthday cruise. During that trip an extreme amount of CO2 was emitted.

‘Why whine so much?’

Bas and Nicolette have come to be criticized, but Private star journalist Jan Uriot finds that very lame. “There was a lot of fuss about that ship, because that didn’t quite match the CO2 conditions. Yes, then I think: a party on a ship, what are we whining about?”, he says in his column What does Jan think?.

Jan notices that the loving couple has not been comfortable with people lately. “Look, that Bas and that Nicolette are a bit difficult at the moment, because a lot has gone wrong lately, but you shouldn’t put salt on all snails of course.”

“Candles are bad too!”

We should not exaggerate the emissions of such a cruise ship, says Jan. “Of course you immediately pollute the environment when you light a candle, so to speak, so don’t complain. That Richard Branson is one of those missiles, isn’t he? I mean: that man is polluting the whole world, isn’t it, because those rockets don’t go up on water either.”

Colleague Pim Sedee: “Yes, what does such a party matter, huh?”

Jan: “Yes, don’t make such a state of it.”

65 kilometers

According to critics, it is in particular the super-rich who behave like CO2 idiots: the richest 1 percent of the world emits twice as much as the poorest half of the population. Last month, Kylie Jenner was discredited for taking her private jet to travel 40 miles. She was called a ‘climate criminal’.

Story boss Guido den Aantrekker then defended Kylie in Shownieuws. “I think that society interferes so much with everything and everyone. If you’ve just worked really hard and you have ten planes, then you’re going to fly well, right? Do you really think it makes a lot of difference if you make one such flight?”

“A lot of hate!”

All in all, Jan thinks we shouldn’t complain so much about Bas. After all, the 41-year-old influencer has it tough enough. Recently he also got Nienke ‘s Gravemade on him. The actress, who sat at the table at Op1 last week, published a relentless chat conversation she had about Nicolette’s husband:
