Jan Smit stunned live on TV after Toppers unveiling: ‘I didn’t know!’

Jan Smit was flapping his ears last night in Humberto Tan’s talk show. There, a fellow Topper revealed that they are not actually called De Toppers at all. “Huh!”


After a year of absence, De Toppers are back with their mega concerts in the Amsterdam Arena. That’s why all four members were in the room last night talk show by Humberto Tan: Gerard Joling, Jan Smit, Jeroen van der Boom and René Froger. “I have to clear up a misunderstanding,” the host suddenly shouts.

‘What do you mean?’

Humberto appears to have spoken to Jeroen behind the scenes and brings it up: “I’ve always thought something. I always thought you were The Toppers, but that’s not the case!”

Jeroen doubts, while looking at his boss René: “They are top players in music, aren’t they?”

René: “What do you mean?”

‘I’m a Topper!’

Jeroen then comes up with a revelation about the name of the Toppers. “I once asked you: ‘But who says: ‘I’m a winner’ to someone else?’ Then you said to me: ‘Yes, but it is more like Jeroen, Gerard, Gordon, Jan or René and then Toppers in Concert underneath.’ That was more about the songs.”

It remains quiet on the other side. Jeroen: “You once said to me: ‘You don’t think I’m going to say: here, I’m a Topper!’”

Gerard: “Well, I do!”

‘Always thought’

Humberto: “I’ve always thought that. That it was you, The Toppers!”

Jeroen: “The Toppers in Concert are the songs that everyone knows!”

Jan Smit reacts bewildered: “Is that still the case? Oh no?”

René: “We have of course always kept the name Toppers in Concert up, because nowadays everyone uses the word ‘toppers’ in every advertisement, you know.”

Gerard: “But you can never say that you are a great person, can you?”

‘Never told!’

Humberto: “I thought that for twenty years!”

Jeroen: “Everyone always shouts: ‘The Toppers!’ Then I think: God, here we go again…”

Jan thinks this is a really strange story. “Never knew this.”

René: “No, really?”

Jan: “You never told me that, did you?”

Gerard: “I’ve never thought about it actually! But I have news for you: I won’t care. As long as the place is full, that’s fine with me!”
