Jan Smit is scolded by brother Tim Hofman: ‘Reality lost!’

Juicy: Rijk Hofman, the less famous brother of Tim Hofman, once again lashes out at a celebrity. This time he takes on eel pop star Jan Smit. “He has lost reality!”

© RTL, YouTube

It remains a fun form of entertainment: celebrities who lash out at each other. Well, Dutch celebrity, Dutch celebrity: this is about Rijk Hofman, Tim Hofman’s brother. It is unclear what exactly he does himself, but apparently he has enough status to convince others celebrities to measure. This time he goes wild on Jutta Leerdam and Jan Smit.

Arrogant John?

Right after Rich in his latest video falsely remarks that he is ‘the least big fan’ of skating heroine Jutta, Rijk reveals that he finds Jan even more unsympathetic. “You know what I just said about Jutta: Jan Smit is only… He is really even worse. Jan Smit has really lost all reality,” sneered the vlogger.

Why? “I met him once and he introduced himself to the whole group and he doesn’t even say his name. Introduce = shake hands without looking for Jan. He doesn’t tell anyone his name, he just assumes you know it.”


Rijk, whose undershirts are apparently all in the wash, enjoys a number of teasing comments he encounters on Instagram about Jan in his vlog. “’Is that that Jan Smit who once had a relationship with Yolanthe?’ haha.”

He continues laughing: “That really is his biggest nightmare: ‘Hey, are you Jan Smit from Yolanthe?!’ Just before Jan Smit wakes up drenched in sweat!”

B*tching stars

Incidentally, Rijk himself also enjoys bitching celebrities. A little later he comes in his video another one mean tweet of Ebru Umar about Rachel Hazes against. The columnist sneered in January: “I just found out that Rachel Hazes is two months older than me. We are actually the same age. HOW. THAN.”

Laughing richly about Ebru: “What a bitch!” Dan on Rachel: “I don’t know if this is the wrong picture or if she really has that kind of skin.”

Oops, those won’t be free tickets for Holland Zingt Hazes…
