Jan Rot gets ‘giggling’ with idea about leftover work | Stars

“On my laptop and various hard drives – overwrite every few years, they die – there are hundreds of unused songs and lyrics, off and on, anyway,” says Rot, who has metastatic colon cancer and announced only a few weeks this week. to have life. “The idea that someone has to sniff through that gives me a stomachache.”

For years, the musician kept scrapbooks, until he learned that only “little artists” do. “Since then, I have put all the clippings, photos, letters and papers that are worthy of storage in the bottom left drawer of my desk. When it is full, move the contents in a plastic bag to a box.”

Something Rot (64) will not fail to do is one of his “long-cherished translation plans” that he has been working on lately. People can order a pdf of his translation of Bach’s St John Passion on his website. “Nothing left behind! I make it public!”
