Jan Roos says sorry after strong statements about Eurovision Stien

Jan Roos apologizes for his strong statements about Stien den Hollander, who will represent our country as S10 in the Eurovision Song Contest this year. “Sorry about that.”

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Stien den Hollander (21) has struggled for years with psychoses and suicidal thoughts. As a Eurovision Song Contest entry, she is currently in a particularly happy period. But now she gets the infamous presenter Jan Roos on her roof. He completely wipes the floor with her in the latest episode of Gossip Plate.

Jan goes wild

Jan is not at all impressed with Stien. “This is really the kind of girl who cuts herself in her room for attention. Terrible.”

Co-presenter Dennis Schouten: “So she has been doing that for a long time. I don’t know if it was for attention, but she has been suicidal for a very long time.”

Jan: “Yeah well, it would have been nice to have just jumped off the roof. Well, Jesus, then we could have sent a normal person, right? I don’t feel sorry for that. What a terrible shit number.”


Jan thinks her Eurovision song is terrible. “We might as well have put an ambulance there with the sirens on. We stand for dick. She will not even make it to the final and then Stientje will probably be depressed again and then we hope that she will really make the choice she has to make.”

That is going too far, says studio guest Floris Wyers. “No no no no.”

Jan: “And just one thing, Stientje: the wrists never like that, but like that! If you really want to get rid of it, in a warm bath…”

Floris: “You’re not going to broadcast this, are you? Have you gone mad really? Act normal, dude.”

fierce criticism

Even the viewers of Gossip Talk think this is going very far, according to the comments under the video. For example, Walmart says: “Less broadcast this though. (…) Jan is starting to become a bit of a caricature of himself, you don’t have to kick everything into the ground; especially that shit about S10 her depression is not necessary guys.”

And Willem: “You can always enjoy your program guys. And agree that girl is not fit for such a stage. But that explanation about how to cut yourself, and that she should just do it. You really went too far here Jan. You can joke about anything. But this is incitement to suicide.”

Not done

Viewer Dion: “I have been a fan since the beginning of your channel and later also became a donor because I can really appreciate you! Where I normally don’t respond to an episode because I’m still busy recovering from laughter, today was really below par. Suicide is as far as I’m concerned, and if I read the comments like this by many, really crossing a line. Not done!”

And the well-known TV psychologist Esther van Fenema: “As far as I’m concerned, we joke far too little, but if you make these kinds of comments about suicide, you have no idea of ​​the desperation, powerlessness and immense sadness associated with this act. .”

Jan says sorry

Jan now goes deep through the dust. “As for S10, I want to say the following. We make hard jokes about everything and everyone. We spare no one, least of all ourselves. The fact that jokes have now been made about the psychological disorders of S10 is part of the program,” he writes on his website.

“But if I have made people who are also in trouble themselves, sad, then I find that annoying. So sorry about that, you cunts. By the way, Dennis and I have been mental patients for years. So we know the pain.”
