Jan Köppen becomes the new moderator in the jungle camp

Moderator Jan Köppen (archive photo) Photo: dpa

From BZ/dpa

Jan Köppen will moderate the RTL jungle camp alongside Sonja Zietlow.

The 39-year-old has already proven in several formats that he is now one of the big ones, it said in an RTL message on Saturday. The new edition of “I’m a Celebrity – Get Me Out of Here” should therefore be available in January 2023. First, BILD am Sonntag reported on the personnel.

Köppen follows Daniel Hartwich, who announced at the end of the most recent season that he would no longer moderate the jungle camp. “The reason for this is my family, who will no longer be able to accompany me in the future because of compulsory schooling,” he said. And Köppen represented Hartwich before – but on another RTL show: In the final of the dance show “Let’s Dance” in May, Hartwich was absent due to illness, and Köppen was on the floor instead.

The moderators of the RTL jungle camp, Daniel Hartwich and Sonja Zietlow

The moderators of the RTL jungle camp, Daniel Hartwich and Sonja Zietlow Photo: sab bsc sei

He’s really looking forward to IBES (for: “I’m a star”), Köppen was now quoted in the message. RTL entertainment boss Markus Küttner said: “He was my absolute dream candidate, because if someone has shown in recent years how well they can moderate and entertain, then it was him.”

So far, Köppen has been in front of the camera for programs such as “Ninja Warrior” and the dating show “Take me Out”.


German celebrities jungle camp culture and people
