Jan Hoskam receives ‘link’ with Innovation Quarter Den Bosch | NOW

The name Jan Hoskam will be linked to the future Innovation Quarter Den Bosch on the Grasso site. Mayor Jack Mikkers made that promise on Thursday afternoon when Jan Hoskam said goodbye as alderman of the municipality of Den Bosch.

Hoskam was alderman for finance and economics in Den Bosch for more than eleven years. And before that, he was a councilor on behalf of the VVD for another fifteen years. At his farewell reception in the administrative center, he was praised one after the other.

Hoskam was especially praised as ‘guardian’ of the city treasury. “Thanks to Jan, the municipality is in a good financial position. And he has been able to keep the local costs for citizens as low as possible all that time,” Mikkers praised him. “The first question that Jan Hoskam always asked in class was: Can we afford it?”

Birdhouse by Cor Unum

For his services rendered, the resident of Bossche will be given a ‘link’ with the Innovation Quarter in Den Bosch, for which he has devoted himself for many years. The opening is planned for October. Only then will it become clear how the name of Jan Hoskam is connected with the Innovation Quarter. It concerns a site of approximately 80,000 square meters in the Spoorzone.

Mikkers handed over Jan Hoskam a ceramic birdhouse in the shape of Grasso, made by Cor Unum. “That way you can look out at the Grasso every day from your home in the Paleiskwartier.”

Great importance of volunteers

Hoskam himself emphasized the great importance of volunteers for the city. “My big concern is that just consuming the city becomes a habit. But it’s give and take. Volunteering is the foundation of this society.” Hoskam will say goodbye to the city council on Thursday 31 May.
