Jan Dulles under fire after insulting Mark Rutte: ‘Where is your respect?’

Jan Dulles is under heavy fire after insulting outgoing Prime Minister Mark Rutte. The behavior of the singer is not well received. “Where has the respect gone?”


The departure of outgoing Prime Minister Mark Rutte from politics has caused great joy among a certain group of people. That joy, on the other hand, arouses enormous annoyance in others; for example, Mattie Valk is very pissed off about the way in which the VVD icon is being treated. Which Dutch celebrity is diametrically opposed to him? Singer Jan Dulles.


Jan has posted a now-deleted video on Instagram in which he is flying the flag because of the Rutte exit. Very inappropriate, says Telegraaf’s rising star Jordi Versteegden. “He posted a video of a Dutch flag that he had hung up at home and he said: ‘I have always said: if Rutte leaves, I will hang out the flag, so here it is.’”

He continues in the podcast Strictly Private: “Then I thought: where has the respect gone? You can’t agree with someone’s political views, but you can’t say that Rutte didn’t do his best and worked very hard, day and night, for thirteen years, to represent this country? I really like…”

‘can’t reach it’

Jordi thinks it is a very inappropriate action by Jan. “I just can’t get my head around it. I really wanted to say that.”

Colleague Jan Uriot: “I think you are now more concerned about it than Mark Rutte himself. He must laugh terribly at this.”

Jordi: “Yes, he is not busy with Jan Dulles. I don’t think so either.”

first lady

As a star journalist for Privé, Jan Uriot mainly sees opportunities in Rutte’s departure. “A new era is now dawning with new possibilities. We may just have one again first lady and we can fill entire sections with it.”

Politically, Jan thinks the Prime Minister’s departure is a pity. “He has great friends. Joe Biden, Emmanuel Macron. That’s nice if you have it in your address book. He came everywhere and that is why I think it is a pity that he is leaving politics. This man would be very good as Secretary of State.”
