Jan Delay is “immediately involved” in sustainability

The rapper Jan Phillip Eißfeldt alias Jan Delay at Lollapalooza

Jan Phillip Eißfeldt aka Jan Delay at Lollapalooza Photo: fis

From BZ/dpa

The musician and hip-hop artist Jan Delay wants to do more for sustainability.

“I’m an immediate testimonial, I’ll take part immediately, guinea pigs and everything,” said Jan Delay in an interview with the German Press Agency in Munich.

But can his sustainability goals also be implemented on stage?

“I’m the one who burns a lot of energy myself here,” admits the singer (“Oh Johnny”). This also applies to the audience, who use up a lot of resources at concerts. But the 46-year-old emphasized that “good values ​​are conveyed at such a concert and a lot of happiness is spread”.

The artist believes that smaller festivals, which are still in their infancy, are rewarded by the public. They would “try to ensure that no plastic Coca-Cola shit happens here,” he emphasized. As an example, the Hamburg native named the non-profit association Viva con Agua, which receives returnable cups donated by concert goers.

When he’s not playing at concerts, the artist is in the studio. But he didn’t want to reveal what he’s working on: “Just do it,” said Delay, laughing.


German Celebrities Jan Delay
