Jan de Hoop says goodbye to the Breakfast news in tears and viewers sympathize

Many Dutch people got up with him every morning. Jan de Hoop, that sweet news reader, full of humor and self-mockery. His message was not always cheerful, after all, the news is not always good, but Jan made it light and became a familiar face. That is why it hurts many viewers that they have to miss Jan, even though his pension is heartily awarded to him.

Jan de Hoop leaves the ‘Breakfast news’

“Just take a deep breath, there I go for the last time: good morning, this it breakfast news from Thursday 2 June. I will try to keep it dry until the end”, Jan started his last breakfast news this morning.

Here come the tears

At the end it turned out that keeping it dry was not quite possible. “The moment I knew would come. I’m going to thank some people as far as I can save that.” Jan starts by thanking his husband Koen, but immediately bursts into tears. “To start with, Koen, my husband, who has always supported me and pushed me to do this work.”

Thanks to all viewers

He thanks his former editor-in-chief, his boss, the editors, the technical people, the weather colleagues, the make-up artists, but especially the viewers at home. And when thanking the viewers, Jan becomes emotional again.

Emotional ending

“I have received thousands of sweet messages in recent days and I am very grateful to you for that,” says Jan crying. “Gosh, this is even worse than Toine van Peperstraten I believe”, he laughs through his tears. For the last time he closes with “Have a nice day!” Watch Jan’s farewell here

Royal award

After the last broadcast, Jan was in for a surprise: from the hands of mayor Ton Heerts van Apeldoorn he received a royal award for his work. Jan can now call himself Knight in the Order of Orange-Nassau.


On Twitter, fans of Jan massively let us know that they will miss him terribly. Many of them got up with him every morning and didn’t keep it dry this morning.

Source: RTL NewsTwitter

June 2, 2022
