Jamie Foxx on illness: ‘It was a trip to hell and back’

The actor recounted the difficult days he spent in the hospital and thanked everyone for their prayers and closeness

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Jamie Foxx reappeared publicly on social media for tell about the disease which forced him to stay in the hospital for several weeks.

jami foxx talks ABOUT DISEASE

The 55-year-old actor has in fact uploaded a video message with which he wanted to thank all those who have shown affection and their closeness to him and his family. “I went through something I thought I would never have to go through” explained Jamie Foxx, thanking fans for their prayers and for all the messages received. The Oscar-winning actor then explained why it has taken so long for him to reconnect with his fans: I didn’t want to be seen like thiswith pipes everywhere, as I tried to figure out if I would make it. I want to be seen laughing, having fun, partying, joking, doing a movie or TV show,” she said.

Furthermore, in the video message published on social networks, Jamie Foxx also has denied rumors that health issues had left him paralyzed or blind: “Some people said I was blind, but as you can see the eyes work fine. They said I’m paralyzed, but I’m not paralyzed. However, it was like going to hell and come back,” he explained. The actor then praised his daughter Corinne and sister, Deondra Dixon, for keeping his struggle and recovery under wraps: “They saved my life“. He also thanked God and the “great doctors” who took care of him, without however giving specifics about the disease he had to face. Foxx then concluded his message thus: “I just want to say that I love everyone and I love all the love I have received. I’m coming back“.


Last April, Jamie Foxx’s daughter, Corinne, announced her father’s hospitalization in a message posted on Instagram, without giving too many details: “We just wanted to share with you that my father, Jamie Foxx, had some medical complications” he had written. “Fortunately, thanks to a timely intervention and excellent treatment, he is already on the road to recovery. We know how much he is loved and we appreciate your prayers. As a family we ask you to respect our privacy” he concluded.
