James Rhodes creates an association to pay for electricity in nursing homes

06/19/2022 at 12:20


Rhodes is known for his philanthropic work

The musician considers himself a true fan of Spain

james rhodes He has given incredible news that shows the great heart he has. He has announced on his social networks that she is going to create a social foundation that will collaborate with food banks and pay for electricity in residences and hospitals. Its objective is also to help in shelters and provide psychological care. In a Twitter message she has assured that she has instructed his lawyer to launch the foundation in a few weeks.

He has assured that the amount of paperwork required is amazing but he wants it to be launched as soon as possible: “I think it is better for everyone to give away money than to buy shit that I really do not need & rdquor ;, he wanted to make clear in his message.

rhodes He had to close answers of his tweet due to the serious criticism he has suffered, but also because the huge number of people who have offered to help. “I am overwhelmed, thank you, I will respond privately in due time. I think that psychological support and support / company for the elderly are a priority. You are the most. Together, stronger & rdquor ;, he has communicated on Twitter.

Rhodes has been in the country for six years and is passionate about it. In 2020 he achieved Spanish nationality, which he considered to be a gift. He has great popularity thanks to his concerts but also to his book, in which account of the abuse he suffered during his childhood and the traumas that this has generated for his entire life.
