James Bond novels are published in revised versions





Ian Fleming’s Bond novels are being reprinted in England because the original versions would use offensive and racist terms. Therefore, the publisher and selected “sensitivity readers” consider a revision to be urgently necessary. A publication of the first revised book is planned for April 2023.

In the course of this review of the “sensitivity readers”, among other things, the N-word was replaced by the term “black person” or “black man”. Furthermore, negative representations of homosexuality and misogynistic terms have been adapted to the present day. Regarding this revision process, Ian Fleming Publications emphasizes that “individual words have been removed or replaced with other non-offensive terms. In doing so, the original point in time of the constitution was not lost sight of.”

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In addition to these linguistic changes in the text of the novel, the publisher would like to place the following disclaimer in front of the text: “The book was written at a time when terms and attitudes that today’s readers might perceive as offensive were still part of everyday language use. This new edition contains some changes. The revised text is based as closely as possible on its original version and the time it was created.” It is not yet known whether the changes will only relate to English-language editions or whether foreign-language translations will also contain adjustments. The number of new translations of literature has increased recently – for example, Roald Dahl’s books are equipped with more language-sensitive words, for example in the word “fat”, which is replaced by “enormous”.




