Jambon: new concept for major book fair is “ready to land” | Interior

Flemish Prime Minister and Minister of Culture Jan Jambon is cautiously optimistic about the organization of a new large-scale book fair in Flanders. According to Jambon, talks are underway between publishers and bookshops and they are moving in the right direction. “The momentum is there to land, with a new concept, with all players involved,” Jambon replied in the Flemish Parliament to a question from Open Vld MP Stephanie D’Hose.

The traditional Book Fair in Antwerp last took place in 2019 and attracted more than 123,000 visitors. In 2020, the fair could not take place due to the corona crisis and in 2021 organizer Boek.be went bankrupt. This ended a tradition of more than 80 years.

“READ! Het Boekenfestival” rose from the ashes of the fair in Antwerp, which welcomed 24,000 visitors in 2021, but did not have a second edition. There was also Boektopia in Kortrijk, which attracted 28,000 visitors last year.

“Back to Antwerp”

Kris Hoflack of Standaard Uitgeverij recently stated at Kanaal Z that a consensus is growing among publishers and bookshops to bring the book fair back to Antwerp. According to him, only a large central city like Antwerp can guarantee sufficient visitors.

Minister of Culture Jan Jambon confirms that talks are underway and that the file is gradually ready for landing. “I don’t want to make a pre-announcement and I don’t want to sell the bear’s skin before it’s shot. But it’s time to unfold the landing gear,” said Jambon. He could not or did not want to say anything about a possible return to Antwerp in 2023.

Not for this fall

Earlier Kris Hoflack already said that a return will not be before this fall. “There is a contract with Kortrijk that we cannot just get out of. But I am cautiously optimistic that it will be for one of the following years.”

Read also: After all the fuss: publisher of Roald Dahl’s books launches ‘classic collection’ with original works
