Jaïr Ferwerda gets a kick out of Özcan Akyol: ‘Nonsense!’

Jaïr Ferwerda, the political reporter of the talk show of Eva Jinek, gets a big blow from Özcan Akyol. “This is just putting someone on the line, isn’t it?” said the opinion maker.


Piet Adema, the new Minister of Agriculture, stood in front of Jaïr Ferwerda’s camera yesterday. He was supposed to participate in a somewhat lame quiz. “I have an agricultural quiz for you. Just: how many cows are there in the Netherlands?”, the journalist asked. Then it was the turn of pigs and chickens.

Chickens and pigs

Piet didn’t have those numbers ready. “I don’t know either, but you know… It means it’s a very large sector with a lot going on. You understand that.”

Jaïr: “I get that, but let’s practice on those numbers! Those are pretty much the basics, how many cattle there are in the Netherlands, right?”

For the block

Eva Jinek after the item in her studio: “He has just started. Should we condone the fact that he didn’t know?”

Özcan: “Of course, this is also putting someone on the line, isn’t it?”

Eva: “To test whether they know?”

Yes, zcan agrees. He thinks Jair is lame. “As if you start counting all the animals when you start with such an office.”

Red Cross

Eva: “No, I don’t think so, but I can imagine that you know approximately what volumes you are talking about.”

Özcan: “Yes, but if he had said ‘9 million’, then such a thick cross would have appeared in the picture.”

Eva: “No, but if you are the Minister of Agriculture, then you know: we have about 4 million, right? Or am I crazy?”

Özcan: “Yes, but then you would have received a cross, because then it would not be right.”

Beginner Bonus

Eva: “But then we would have thought: he was close.”

Özcan: “I think it’s a good response from him actually. He’s only been there a few days, hasn’t he?”

Eva: “Yes, it is.”

Fellow guest Mattie Valk: “He should have gotten a margin indeed.”

Eva: “A beginner’s bonus.”
