Jaimie Vaes takes Lil Kleine to court for arguing about watches NOW

Jaimie Vaes has taken her ex-fiancée Lil Kleine to court to fight a conflict about watches. According to her, Kleine has wrongfully seized a Vaes watch. Vaes’s lawyer reports this RTL Boulevard.

Jaimie Vaes says in her series Jamie in the Vaes Lane that her ex had seized a watch he had given her. But according to Vaes, the watch was not given to her as a present.

Vaes also claims that Jorik Scholten, as Kleine is really called, he would have asked for the watch of Lío, the son of Vaes and Scholten.

Vaes’s lawyer says to RTL Boulevard that the procedure has been going on for several months. Both parties could first respond to each other in writing before the case comes to a hearing.

Scholtens lawyer previously informed RTL Boulevard unwilling to respond to the conflict. “We have chosen to keep radio silence in this case for a while.”
