Jail sentences for car theft and theft of tools from vans

A 30-year-old man from Assen has been sentenced to 2.5 years in prison for car theft, car burglaries and aggravated assault. His mate (34) from Zwiggelte was sentenced to fifteen months in prison for his part, of which five months were suspended.

The two struck at the end of 2020 in Gasselternijveen, Stadskanaal, Haren (Germany) and Groningen. They stole a Fiat 500 and steel tools from delivery vans. The pair were arrested on November 5 after anonymous reports. Both have been followed by the police for some time. The men denied at high and low.

According to the judge, the eldest was also guilty of a serious assault on his neighbor in Emmen. The victim suffered facial fractures and brain injuries. The judge charged the man from Assen heavily that he left the victim in a helpless condition.

The judge came to a lower sentence than the required three and two years in prison. Both men were acquitted on several counts. The man from Zwiggelte has to undergo treatment in a clinic during his probationary period.
