Jail sentences demanded for hostage with crossbow in Roswinkel

The Public Prosecution Service (OM) demands a prison sentence of 86 days against a 42-year-old man from IJmuiden for taking a man hostage in his home in Roswinkel. The man has served that sentence in custody. That is why the Public Prosecution Service also demanded a six-month suspended prison sentence against the man.

During the hostage situation in May last year, he received help from a 42-year-old man from Zuidlaren. They knew each other from school. They thought that the man in Roswinkel was holding the girlfriend of the Zuidlaarder in his home. They accused him of human trafficking, but nothing turned out to be the case.

The men shouted loudly into the house in Roswinkel and gave the impression that they had a firearm with them and would shoot with it. De Zuidlaarder threatened with a tense crossbow and was sentenced to a suspended prison sentence of one year for his role.

But the wanted woman was not in Roswinkel. That is why the Roswinkeler was obliged to go to a house in Stadskanaal. That’s where the woman would be, in a drug house. De IJmuider decided not to go any further to Stadskanaal and stayed behind at the house in Roswinkel.

The woman was also not in the house in Stadskanaal. Both men then went back to Roswinkel. The police were waiting for them there. Neighbors had called officers because there was so much shouting in that house at night. The hostage situation lasted about an hour and a half.

The woman later turned out to be seriously addicted to GHB and has now ended up in social services.

The court will rule in two weeks.
