Jaguar wordt over vangrail E17 catapulted: vijf inzittenden gewond naar ziekenhuis | Beveren

The first delivery was made at 11 o’clock on the E17 in the direction of Antwerp. A owner of a Jaguar lost the hoogte of the afrit Haasdonk de controle over het stuur van zijn car and began to slip. The car was placed in the canal near the speedway, and the car was catapulted over a vangrail. Uiteindelijk kwam de auto op het dak dead standstill op de afrit.

(Les verder under the photo)

The vijf inzittenden conden with hulp van enkele diduigen uit het wrak gehaald. These will be brought to the children’s house before delivery. Nobody knows what he’s saying. The car was totally lost and had to be rigged. The door was opened for a long time.

The oorzaak of the ongeval was possible aquaplaning.
