Jager was not able to say anything about it ever since | Nieuws

The opmerkelijk jachtongeval fromd weekend plaats in the Alberamassef, a piece of the Pyrenees, op de grens van Spanish Catalonië en de Franse Roussillon. A 45-year-old hunter was with a group of collega’s on the pad toen his plots were aangevallen door a stukje wild.

The storm always broke out in the garden. The man raked also wond aan zijn underarm. The man bleeks twice. He took a helicopter to the airport in Perpignan. That’s where you make your own products.

KIJK. Wild eland is the best maatjes with two German mastiffs

KIJK. Beer beelt vriendelijk op Achterste poten om eten

KIJK. The crocodile has to fight against the eyes of a carcass
