Jacquelien Scherpen from Schoonebeek new RUG rector

Jacquelien Scherpen from Schoonebeek has been appointed as the new rector of the University of Groningen (RUG). The appointment is for a period of four years and will take effect on 1 September. She succeeds the current Rector Cisca Wijmenga.

Johan Remkes, chairman of the Supervisory Board, is pleased with the appointment of Scherpen. “She is able to give balanced attention to education and research and to maintain the important and good relationship with the student community.”

In 2006, Scherpen started as a professor at the Faculty of Science and Engineering of the University of Groningen. In 2013 she made the step within the Groningen university to become director of ENTEG (ENGineering and TEchnology institute Groningen). Since March 2020 she has been working as a Captain of Science at the RUG.

As a child at the primary school in Schoonebeek, Scherpen was remarkably enough regarded as a mavo customer, she told it at the beginning of April Newspaper of the North. After her Cito test, it turned out that she could easily go to pre-university education.

After completing her pre-university education at the Katholieke Drents College in Emmen, she went on to study applied mathematics at the University of Twente. After years of working at Delft University of Technology, she left for the RUG in 2006.
