Jacket or T-shirt: this is the weather forecast in Zoetermeer for the month of May

The fifth month of this year has already arrived: May. But what kind of weather can Zoetermeer residents expect during this spring month? Matthijs van der Linden, meteorologist at Weeronline, tells more about it.

“The month starts cooler than usual with maximums of 11 to 16 degrees. The chance of above-average temperatures increases in mid-May and the chance of mild weather is also great later on,” says Matthijs.

Hot or cold

What can we expect in Zoetermeer? The lowest temperatures are found on the coast. The seawater temperature is only 11 degrees and the wind that blows from the sea onto the land is not much warmer. The jacket can therefore not yet be stored in Zoetermeer. Cumulus clouds can easily form in the cool air of the sea. This may create beautiful Dutch skies. That is beautiful again!

Warm spring days

According to the weather models, later in the month it will be mild rather than cold for the time of year. In the middle of the month, the temperature can rise to 16 to 20 degrees. Even later in May, those temperatures rise to more than 20 degrees. And the weather for the next few days in Zoetermeer? You can see that below!

Zoetermeer Weather

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