Jackass star Steve-O was arrested in London after a wild stunt

Steve-O jumped off a bridge into the River Thames.

The Jackass star was interviewed by the police in London. PDO

Known for the group Jackass Steve-Oproperly named Stephen Glover, 49, was arrested in London earlier this week, reports, among others, the Independent. The man tells about it on his Instagram account.

The reason for the arrest was that Steve-O jumped into the River Thames from Tower Bridge. A man jumped into the water with an umbrella emblazoned with the British flag.

– The police arrested me after I did this jump from Tower Bridge yesterday, but they were fine with it. They understood I was excited to be taping my third (and craziest yet) comedy special on July 14th in London, where I was born, Steve-O writes.

The update shows pictures of the man’s wild jump. The photo series also shows how the police talk to the man. You can see the update below. If you don’t see it below, you can view the post from this link.

The Independent reports that London’s police chief by Rob Bell confirming case. According to Bell, officers attended the scene on Thursday, July 6, following reports that a person had jumped into the River Thames. After this, Steve-O was spoken to.

Steve-O tells to the TMZ publication that he spent a large part of that afternoon in a police car. According to him, the police told him that the trick was dangerous, especially because it might encourage others to repeat the trick, which in the worst case could be fatal.

Steve-O has performed his wild tricks not only solo, but also with the Jackass group on TV and in movies. The man rose to fame Bam Margeran and Johnny Knoxville along with MTV’s stunt show. Last year, the man performed with Knoxville Jackass Forever in the movie.
