Jaajo Linnonmaa shared open advice about a biting coincidence

Radio presenter Jaajo Linnonmaa had a painful experience using liniment on Saturday.

Jaajo Linnonmaa is known as a radio and TV presenter and an actor. Inka Soveri

Radio presenter Jaajo Linnonmaa begins his latest Instagram post, saying he has been asked to post more honest content about everyday life to his account.

The radio presenter now decided to share with his followers the biting coincidence of the use of liniment on Saturday. Namely, Linnonmaa had used liniment in his lower back pain until the liniment had flowed unlucky with sweat into his genital area.

– This is not a commercial cooperation, but a warning to all middle-aged people. When that lower back is stuck, then the shortcut to happiness is not necessarily liniment. When you sweat like a pig, the liniment flows with sweat ??? ??? and not only ? but also ?, Linnonmaa writes.

Linnonmaa further clarified his writing in his Instagram story with concise instructions to his followers.

– Avoid getting this in your ass!

Linnonmaa is currently on paternity leave from his radio work. He will return as the presenter of Radio Suomipop’s Morning Milk after March. Juuso Mäkilähde, the presenter of Radio Suomipop, has been the successor of Linnonmaa for the last few months.

Anni Hautala, another presenter of Aamulypsy, also recently went on maternity leave from a radio program. He is followed by radio presenter Janni Hussi.

Jaajo Linnonmaa at the class meeting 3 press conference.
