Jaajo Linnonmaa confesses that he was Jesus in his previous life – Published spiritual pictures from Diili filming

Jaajo Linnonmaa thinks he was a priest, pope or Jesus in his previous life.

Jaajo Linnonmaa is known for his witty humor. Elle Laitila

Jaajo Linnonmaa published pictures from behind the scenes of the Diili program on his Instagram account. In the pictures, Linnonmaa poses in Helsinki Cathedral, where the program was filmed.

– Today, Monday was kicked off in the Cathedral with Diili’s task assignment, which was certainly the dumbest in my own Diili history.

Earlier in his writing, Linnonmaa talks about how he must have been strongly involved with faith in his previous life.

– Have I been a priest, pope or Jesus in a previous life, because I always feel comfortable in church. A good and devout atmosphere and walls that have often seen history for several centuries.

If the embed is not visible, you can also watch it from here.

Linnonmaa finishes his writing by telling how the filming process is already nearing its end.

– It’s going to be a bad week! It’s going to be a great season.

Diil’s advisers can also be seen in the pictures Toni Lähde and Amel Gaily.
