Izegem postpones realization of Cultuurfabriek on the Strobbe site

Izegem postpones realization of Cultuurfabriek on the Strobbe site

The renovation of the Center Bridge and the construction of a new event hall will continue as usual.

No culture factory for the time being

The design for the Cultuurfabriek in the former Strobbe printing house in the center of the city looked great, but is now being scrapped.

This saves Izegem 16.5 million euros. Due to the increased raw material and material prices, the realization was already more than 4 million euros more expensive today.

The library, the city archive, the local history circle and the art academy Art’Iz would be housed in the Cultuurfabriek. The city now hopes to realize the project in the longer term with subsidies from the Flemish government.

“We had set a budget of 16.5 million euros for this. Due to the increase in materials and construction costs, the lowest offer is now no less than 21 million euros,” says mayor Bert Maertens.

“Just coughing up this large additional cost is not responsible. Moreover, there is a great opportunity through co-financing for buildings for part-time art education. We would be bad administrators if we did not first aim to have the art academy part of the Cultuurfabriek co-financed by the Flemish government.”

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Well event hall & renovation Centrumbrug

The adjustment in the multi-year plan is because, as in other municipalities, the energy and personnel costs. Before this legislature, however, the construction of a new event hall is planned. It will be on the site of the former banquet hall Iso where the vaccination center is now located.

“We want to give extra support to our strong associations. We consciously choose to continue the construction plans for a new event hall at the place where the now outdated banquet hall Iso is located. The new multifunctional hall must become the perfect location for parties, celebrations, fairs and dinner parties, and a home for many initiatives of our thriving association life.”

And the renovation of the Center Bridge is also continuing.

Associations receive 50% more subsidies

In addition, the city itself also provides extra financial breathing space for the Izegem associations. From 2023, youth, sports, culture and senior associations will receive half more operating subsidies than before.

“We consciously choose not to simply index these subsidies to cover the increased costs. With a substantial increase, we want to boost the initiative of our associations and reward them for the excellent work they deliver year after year,” says Mayor Maertens.
