It’s too early in the season to turn on the heater | Statement of the day

With temperatures dropping rapidly, it looks like the heating season is about to begin. Time to turn on the heater? Or is it better to wait, bearing in mind last winter’s high energy costs?

As far as experts are concerned, one does not necessarily exclude the other. They provide tips and tricks to keep your energy bill in check and still make it pleasant in your home. For example, they advise you to start by gaining insight into electricity and gas consumption. They also point out energy-saving measures.

Because the temperature dropped considerably last weekend and it also felt cold due to wind and rain, many people may have been tempted to turn on the heater.

What do you think? In view of the costs, would it be wiser to wait until it is really cold before turning on the heating? Or are you not concerned about the costs yet and is it comfortably warm in your home? Participate in the Statement of the Day and give your opinion.
